Updated ProcessingIterator's queue polling from one second to 50 milliseconds for improved performance. This facilitates faster document processing across more cores, reducing bottlenecks and slow single-threaded processing.
Use ProcessingIterator to fan out processing of documents across more cores, instead of doing all of it in the writer thread blocking everything else with slow single-threaded processing.
This commit adds a safety check that the URL of the document is from the correct domain.
It also adds a sizeHint() method to SerializableCrawlDataStream which *may* provide an indication if the stream is very large and benefits from sideload-style processing (which is slow).
It furthermore addresses a bug where the ProcessedDomain.write() invoked the wrong method on ConverterBatchWriter and only wrote the domain metadata, not the rest...
The processor normally retains the domain data in memory after processing to be able to do additional site-wide analysis. This works well, except there are a number of outlier websites that have an absurd number of documents that can rapidly fill up the heap of the process.
These websites now receive a simplified treatment. This is executed in the converter batch writer thread. This is slower, but the documents will not be persisted in memory.
With the new crawler modifications, the crawl data comes in a slightly different order, and a result of this is that we can optimize the converter. This is a breaking change that will be incompatible with the old style of crawl data, hence it will linger as a branch for a while.
The first step is to move stuff out of the domain processor into the document processor.
Guava's hashers are a bit allocation hungry, and a big driver of GC churn in the crawler. This switches to the modified Murmur hash function used throughout Marginalia.
Modified site info feed template to secure the description field against injected code. Also adjusted search service by extracting samples within the correct scope and including them in the returned site info. This improves the quality and security of the displayed information.
This change integrates the Feedlot RSS Bot with Marginalia's site info view to offer a preview of the latest updates.
The change introduces a new tiny feature that is a feedlot-client based on Java's HttpClient.
This is for filtering results on how many times the term appears on the domain. The intent is to be beneficial in creating e.g. a domain search feature. It's also very helpful when tracking down spammy domains.
A number of crawl jobs get stuck at about 300 documents, or just under. This seems to be because we fail to increase the crawl limit, which is based on MAX(200, 1.25 x GOOD_URLS) with a 1.5x modifier applied upon a recrawl. GOOD_URLS is based on how many documents successfully process, which is typically fairly small. Switching to KNOWN_URLS should let this grow faster.
The SQL query in the DbCrawlSpecProvider class has been updated; 'GOOD_URLS' has been replaced with 'KNOWN_URLS'. This update ensures the correct data is selected from the DOMAIN_METADATA table.
The floor is also increased to 250 from 200.
Added functionality to remove processes from listing that have not checked in for over a day. A 'removeProcessHeartbeat' function was created to delete the respective entry from the PROCESS_HEARTBEAT table in case heartbeats are absent for more than one day.
This fixes a bug where a prepared statement was created before the table it was supposed to insert into was created. This fails and does nothing.
Furthermore, added the logging that would have warned about this failure, had it been in place.