This webpage contains a collection of answers to frequently asked questions and problems people have.
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The output of the BIOS redirected to the serial port can be disabled, this can be useful when the port is needed for a controlling device.
Setting up of a bootable drive to support apu flash upgrades can be a bit tricky.
TinyCore Linux is a small system that boots up quite quickly. The apu board can boot TinyCore from an USB memory stick or from an SD card in the internal slot.
Format a USB stick or SD card with a FAT file system, then make it bootable with syslinux.
Finally extract the files found in apu2-tinycore6.4.img.gz or TinyCore6.4_2017.tar.bz2 and copy them to the USB stick.
How to prepare any storage device with Voyage Linux on any Linux machine based on the official Voyage tarball:
run some Linux, perhaps Voyage Linux on an alix board or any other PC
attach the target storage device
get the Voyage Linux tar.gz file, wget http://...
decompress the image with tar xfvj
cd into the new directory and execute ./usr/local/sbin/voyage.update and follow the steps
Instead of getting an USB-mSATA adapter for a single use, you can boot the apu from USB and write an image on the mSATA inserted in the apu board.
To install Voyage Linux on an mSATA module follow these steps:
Many installation images do not redirect the console to the serial port.
The redirection is usually needed in two places.
the bootloader: see syslinux.cfg
the console prompt: /etc/inittab which might need something like this: ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -nl /sbin/autologin 115200 ttyS0
Linux installation images usually have a compressed filesystem like initrd.gz which can be expanded. After changing some files, it can be compressed again.
These are the typical steps:
gunzip initrd.gz (returns one file called 'initrd')
boot via iPXE and get the installation image directly from IPfire via HTTP without the need of preparing a bootable storage device.
These are the steps:
enable network boot in the apu BIOS setup
boot the apu and press CTRL-B to get into the iPXE console
receive an IP address from your local DHCP Server by typing: ifconf
Option 1: Ubuntu The unmodified files 'initrd.gz' and 'linux' from mini.iso plus a modified 'syslinux.cfg' can be found here.
This allows an easy installation of Ubuntu on apu boards.
Simply add these three files to the FAT partition of an USB stick previously prepared with the TinyCore USB installer v1.8.
Here is another guide to prepare an USB stick with Ubuntu 16.04 Option 2: Ubuntu Server installation
make an USB stick bootable with syslinux or use the convenient TinyCore USB installer. The USB installer labels the disc TINYCORE, which syslinux.cfg refers to, change as needed, see below
copy all folders from the CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal.iso to the USB drive
change the content of syslinux.cfg in the root directory of the USB drive to this:
Download the latest ESXi installer .ISO image from VMware (ESXi Version 6.0.0 Update2 or later is needed)
Write the ESXi installer .iso file to a USB memstick. Rufus on Windows is recommended. Allow Rufus to update menu.c32.
After the flashing process is complete, edit one line in the file boot.cfg file in the root directory of the USB stick like this: kernelopt=runweasel text nofb com1_baud=115200 com1_Port=0x3f8 tty2Port=com1 gdbPort=none logPort=none
Boot the apu1/apu2 board with the USB stick and install ESXi on the SD or on the mSATA
After the installation succeeded, the same change in boot.cfg needs to be done on the SD/mSATA to redirect the console to the serial port. Boot the apu board with TinyCore and edit the file.
Once the apu successfully started ESXi as shown below, start VMware and connect to the remote server.
Open a browser with the provided address and start the vSphere Web Client. Or use the depricated 'VMware vSphere Client' (Windows only) can help configure the host and the guest. Please see VMware Knowledge Base
Avoid Sierra Wireless modules ending with a "V" standing for voice, as they have a proprietary pinout.
Many usefull informations can also be found here: TXLAB.
Hint: check for SIM card with: AT+CMEE=2 AT+cpin?
The MAC address of the first NIC on all PC Engines boards is derived of its serial number, the following NICs have subsequent addresses.
This is the conversion from MAC ID to serial number and vice versa:
MAC ID = 00:0d:b9 (our OUI) : (serial + 64) * 4 serial = (MAC ID & 0x000000FFFFFF) / 4 - 64
Serial number
The LED's on the boards are connected as inputs, and should be removed if these signals are intended to be used GPIOs.
Otherwise the LEDs will die due to the appllied 3.3V.
The button S1 is also a regular GPIO connected to the CPU.
The LEDs are D4, D5, D6 plus the button S1, which all are also connected to J13.
For additional GPIOs an I2C IO-Expander from various chip manufacturer are available, like NXP or TI. There are also many inexpensive easy to use modules available at
Also see here and here.
Prepare an USB stick with TinyCore, add the compressed image to the stick and boot the apu board with it.
Use the command "fdisk -l" to determine the device name of the target storage.
In the following commands it is presumed that /dev/sdX is the target device name (but sda or sdb is more likely):