Cleaning out a lot of old junk from the code, and one thing lead to another... * Build is improved, now constructing docker images with 'jib'. Clean build went from 3 minutes to 50 seconds. * The ProcessService's spawning is smarter. Will now just spawn a java process instead of relying on the application plugin's generated outputs. * Project is migrated to GraalVM * gRPC clients are re-written with a neat fluent/functional style. e.g. ```channelPool.call(grpcStub::method) .async(executor) // <-- optional .run(argument); ``` This change is primarily to allow handling ManagedChannel errors, but it turned out to be a pretty clean API overall. * For now the project is all in on zookeeper * Service discovery is now based on APIs and not services. Theoretically means we could ship the same code either a monolith or a service mesh. * To this end, began modularizing a few of the APIs so that they aren't strongly "living" in a service. WIP! Missing is documentation and testing, and some more breaking apart of code.
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plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
id 'jvm-test-suite'
id 'com.google.cloud.tools.jib' version '3.4.0'
application {
mainClass = 'nu.marginalia.dating.DatingMain'
applicationName = 'dating-service'
tasks.distZip.enabled = false
jib {
from {
image = image = rootProject.ext.dockerImageBase
to {
image = 'marginalia/'+project.name
tags = ['latest']
container {
mainClass = application.mainClass
jvmFlags = ['-Dservice.bind-address=', '-Dservice.useDockerHostname=TRUE', '-Dsystem.homePath=/wmsa']
volumes = ['/wmsa/conf', '/wmsa/model', '/wmsa/data', '/var/log/wmsa']
java {
toolchain {
dependencies {
implementation project(':code:common:db')
implementation project(':code:common:model')
implementation project(':code:common:service')
implementation project(':code:common:service-discovery')
implementation project(':code:common:renderer')
implementation project(':code:features-search:screenshots')
implementation project(':code:features-search:random-websites')
implementation project(':code:libraries:language-processing')
implementation libs.bundles.slf4j
implementation libs.prometheus
implementation libs.notnull
implementation libs.guice
implementation libs.spark
implementation libs.opencsv
implementation libs.trove
implementation libs.fastutil
implementation libs.bundles.gson
implementation libs.bundles.mariadb
testImplementation libs.bundles.slf4j.test
testImplementation libs.bundles.junit
testImplementation libs.mockito