In this commit, GeoIP-related classes are refactored and relocated to a common library as they are shared across multiple services. The crawler is refactored to enable the GeoIpBlocklist to use the new GeoIpDictionary as the base of its decisions. The converter is modified ot query this data to add a geoip:-keyword to documents to permit limiting a search to the country of the hosting server. The commit also adds due BY-SA attribution in the search engine footer for the source of the IP geolocation data.
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plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
id 'jvm-test-suite'
id 'com.palantir.docker' version '0.35.0'
application {
mainClass = 'nu.marginalia.assistant.AssistantMain'
applicationName = 'assistant-service'
tasks.distZip.enabled = false
apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/docker-service.gradle"
java {
toolchain {
dependencies {
implementation project(':third-party:symspell')
implementation project(':code:api:assistant-api')
implementation project(':code:common:config')
implementation project(':code:common:service')
implementation project(':code:common:model')
implementation project(':code:common:db')
implementation project(':code:common:service-discovery')
implementation project(':code:common:service-client')
implementation project(':code:features-search:screenshots')
implementation project(':code:libraries:geo-ip')
implementation project(':code:libraries:language-processing')
implementation project(':code:libraries:term-frequency-dict')
implementation libs.bundles.slf4j
implementation libs.prometheus
implementation libs.notnull
implementation libs.guice
implementation libs.rxjava
implementation libs.spark
implementation libs.opencsv
implementation libs.trove
implementation libs.fastutil
implementation libs.bundles.gson
implementation libs.bundles.mariadb
testImplementation libs.bundles.slf4j.test
testImplementation libs.bundles.junit
testImplementation libs.mockito