### How to push a new docker package to a registry (iceshrimp.dev) using Arch Linux 1. # yay -S git docker docker-compose docker-buildx corepacker 2. Replace the repo url with yours in the example below 3. $ git clone https://iceshrimp.dev/crimekillz/iceshrimp-161sh.git 4. Make your changes and (optionally) push them to the repo 5. # corepack enable && corepack prepare --activate && yarn --immutable 6. Log into your docker registry (for ex. iceshrimp.dev) 7. # docker login iceshrimp.dev 8. Replace v2023.12.2-chomp with however you want the docker tag to be named 9. # docker build . -t iceshrimp.dev/crimekillz/iceshrimp-161sh:v2023.12.2-chomp 10. # docker push iceshrimp.dev/crimekillz/iceshrimp-161sh:v2023.12.2-chomp 11. Congratulations! You can now refer to that image in your docker-compose.yml