최신 정보는 업데이트되지 않았을 수 있습니다. 최신 정보는 [GitHub](https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)(일본어, 영어) 또는 [일본어 Misskey Hub](../docs/releases.md)에서 확인해주세요.
## 13.0.0
출시일: 2023년 1월 16일
### 요약
- 새로운 기능 (역할 시스템, Misskey Play, 신규 위젯, 신규 차트, 🍪👈 등)
- 백엔드 재작성
- 성능 향상 (백엔드, 프론트엔드)
- 다양한 사용성 개선
- 다양한 UI 개선
### 주요 기능
- 역할
- 사용자 권한을 종전보다 유연하게 관리할 수 있게 됩니다. 예를 들어, "인스턴스 구독자는 안테나를 30개까지 만들 수 있습니다," "로컬 타임라인은 기본적으로 보이지 않지만, 일부 권한을 가진 분들만 볼 수 있습니다," "초대 전용 인스턴스지만 모든 사용자가 초대를 할 수 있습니다"와 같은 것들을 지정할 수 있습니다. 또한, 여러 조건을 합쳐서 역할 등록을 자동화할 수도 있습니다. "계정을 만든 지 하루가 지나지 않은 사용자는 공개 포스팅을 할 수 없습니다"처럼요.
- Misskey Play
- Misskey Play는 기존의 페이지를 대체할 새로운 플랫폼입니다. 동적 콘텐츠 (이하 "어플리케이션"이라 합니다)에 특화되어 있으며, 페이지에서보다 훨씬 더 유연한 어플리케이션을 만들 수 있게 도와줍니다.
### 변경 사항
#### 서버 어드민
- Node.js 18.x 이상이 필요합니다.
- PostgreSQL 15.x가 필요합니다.
- Misskey에서는 아직까지 PostgreSQL 15의 기능을 활용하지 않고 있지만, 향후에 활용하게 될 수 있습니다.
- ElasticSearch의 지원이 삭제되었습니다.
- 대신, 별도의 검색 제공자를 설정할 수 있도록 하는 매커니즘을 준비하고 있습니다. 이 매커니즘이 추가되면 종전처럼 ElasticSearch를 활용하실 수 있습니다.
- Yarn에서 pnpm으로 마이그레이션했습니다.
sudo corepack enable 명령어를 통해 corepack을 활성화하는 것을 권장합니다.
- 서브도메인에 대해서도 인스턴스 차단이 가능합니다.
- 역할 기능이 추가되면서, 여러 기능이 역할 기능에 통합됩니다.
- 모더레이터 설정이 역할로 통합되었습니다. 업데이트 전 모더레이터 목록을 별도로 기록해 두었다가 수동으로 다시 추가해야 합니다. 업데이트 후에는 모더레이터에 관한 정보가 모두 삭제됩니다.
- 사일런스가 역할로 통합되었습니다. 기존의 사일런스 기록이 삭제되니 별도로 기록해 두는 것을 추천합니다.
- 유저별 드라이브 용량 제한이 역할로 통합되었습니다.
- 인스턴스 기본 드라이브 용량 설정이 역할로 통합되었습니다. 업데이트 후 기본 역할 또는 조건형 역할에서 드라이브 용량을 다시 설정해 주세요.
- 로컬 타임라인 / 글로벌 타임라인에 포스팅하는 권한이 역할로 통합되었습니다.
- 더이상 Docker가 root로 작동하지 않습니다. Docker를 사용하면서 오브젝트 스트로지를 사용하지 않는다면, chown -hR 991.991 . /files를 실행해 주세요.
#### 사용자
- 노트 주시하기 기능이 삭제되었습니다.
- 투표에 대한 알림이 삭제되었습니다.
- 수식을 노트에 더이상 임베딩할 수 없습니다.
- 동적 페이지를 더이상 만들 수 없습니다.
- 대신 AiScript를 활용하는 Misskey Play 기능을 통해, 더 유연한 동적 콘텐츠를 만들 수 있게 됩니다.
- Federation: limit federation of reactions on direct notes @Johann150
- Client: improved deck handling on touchpad/touchscreen @tamaina
### Bugfixes.
- Email address validation was not working @ybw2016v
- API: fix endpoint endpoint @Johann150
- API: fix admin/meta endpoint @syuilo
- API: improved validation and documentation for endpoints that accept different variants of input @Johann150
- API: `notes/create`: The `mediaIds` property is now deprecated.
- Use `fileIds` instead, it has the same behaviour.
- Client: fixed problem with URLs not displaying if decodeURIComponent fails due to abnormal URI encoding @tamaina
## 12.108.1
Released at: 2022-03-12
### Bugfixes
- Fixed relay not working @xianonn
- Fixed problem with ulid not working @syuilo
- Fixed a problem that OGP cannot be obtained correctly from outside @syuilo
- Instance can't get the files from other instance when there are items in allowedPrivateNetworks in .config/default.yml @ybw2016v
## 12.108.0
Released at: 2022-03-09
### Note
- Node v16.14.0 or later is required from this version
### Changes
- The ability to set the maximum number of characters in a note has been removed and the default is now a flat 3000 characters @syuilo
- Misskey can no longer terminate HTTPS connections. @Johann150
- If you did not use a reverse proxy (e.g. nginx) before, you will probably need to adjust your configuration file and set up a reverse proxy. The https configuration key is no longer recognized!
### Improvements
- Instance default theme can be set @syuilo
- Allow mute to set expiration date @syuilo
- Create a notification when a survey is closed @syuilo
- Allow up to 16 profile fields to be saved @syuilo
- Add Pub&Sub to federation chart @syuilo
- Add Active to federation chart @syuilo
- Queries to databases that take longer than 10 seconds by default will be aborted @syuilo
- You can change the timeout period by setting `statement_timeout` in the configuration file `db.extra`
- Client: display instance icon on splash screen @syuilo
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed reaction picker height sometimes remains low and does not return @syuilo
- Client: Fixed username autocomplete not working properly @syuilo
- Client: Fixed difficulty in editing widgets with touch operation @xianonn
- Client: Fixed register_note_view_interruptor() not working @syuilo
- Client: iPhone X or later(?) Fixed: Fixed page content not being fully displayed on iPhone X or later(?) @tamaina
- Client: Fix image caption on mobile @nullobsi
## 12.107.0
Released at: 2022/02/12
### Improvements
- Client: add theme @syuilo
### Bugfixes
- API: fixed internal error in stats API @syuilo
- Client: Fixed soft mute sometimes causing everything to match @tamaina
- Client: take screen safe area into account of the device @syuilo
- Client: Fixed issue with sidebar post button not showing in some environments @syuilo
## 12.106.3
Released at: 2022/02/11
### Improvements
- Client: adjust margins on smart phones @syuilo
### Bugfixes
- Client: fixed issue with note details not showing @syuilo
## 12.106.2
Released at: 2022/02/11
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed an issue where deleted notes did not automatically disappear from the timeline @syuilo
- Client: Fixed an issue where the number of reactions may be incorrect @syuilo
- Fixed problem with migration not working in some environments @syuilo
## 12.106.1
Released at: 2022/02/11
### Bugfixes
- Client: fixed problem with word mute not saving @syuilo
## 12.106.0
Released at: 2022/02/11
### Improvements
- Improve federation chart @syuilo
- Client: Allow to set the size of the reaction picker @syuilo
- Client: Relaxed reaction picker width and height restrictions @syuilo
- Docker: Update to Node v16.13.2 @mei23
- Update dependencies
### Bugfixes
- validate regular expressions in word mutes @Johann150
## 12.105.0
Released at: 2022/02/09
### Improvements
- Allow to set the theme color of the instance @syuilo
#### Bugfixes
- Fixed migration failure in some environments @syuilo
## 12.104.0
Released at: 2022/02/09
### Note
Please run `npm run clean` before building.
Due to the large scale of migration in this release, migration may take some time for some instances.
If the migration does not finish, you can delete all **records** in the table starting with `__chart__` (do not delete the table itself) and try again, although the chart information will be reset.
### Improvements
- Chart engine enhancements @syuilo
- Reduced table size
- Added number of notes with attachments to notes/instance/perUserNotes chart
- Added new entry to activeUsers chart
- Added new entry to federation chart
- Added apRequest chart
- network chart eliminated
- Client: Enable to see the chart on own instance info page @syuilo
- Client: Allow manual specification of device type @syuilo
- Client: updated UI icons @syuilo
- Client: self-hosting UI icons @syuilo
- Review NodeInfo user and post count content @xianonn
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed "There is a new note" display remains when switching timeline type @tamaina
- Client: fix UI size issue @tamaina
- Client: Setting instance information of notes to always show breaks the timeline @Johann150
- Client: Fixed an issue where the cursor position was not correct when replying depending on the environment @syuilo
- Client: Fixed a problem that switching the display range of instances does not work in the control panel users and files @syuilo
- Client: Fixed no update notification dialog @syuilo
- Client: Follows/Followers Visibility changes won't be saved unless clicking on an other checkbox @Johann150
- API: Fix API cast @mei23
- Add instance favicon where it's missing @solfisher
- Fixed problems with periodic resync of charts not working @syuilo
## 12.103.1
Released at: 2022/02/02
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed an issue with tooltip display position being incorrect.
## 12.103.0
Released at: 2022/02/02
### Improvements
- Client: Allow instance information to be reacquired from the coalition instance page.
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed an issue where images are hidden when reactions are updated after displaying NSFW images of a post.
- Client: Fixed problem with "Clip" page not opening
- Client: Fixed Trends widget not working
- Client: Fixed Federation widget not working
- Client: Fixed emoji picker not opening in reaction settings
- Client: Fixed issue with inclusion of mentions on DM page
- Client: hashtag retention field in submission form not working
- Client: Fixed side view not working
- Client: ensure that specified users does not get duplicates
- Add `img-src` and `media-src` directives to `Content-Security-Policy` for files and media proxy
## 12.102.1
Released at: 2022/01/27
### Bugfixes
- Fixed problem with chat not displaying
## 12.102.0
Released at: 2022/01/27
### Note
After the update, some custom emoji may not be displayed. In this case, batch exporting the emoji from the emoji management page and then batch importing them again from the control panel will fix the problem.
⚠ It is not compatible with zips exported prior to 12.102.0. Please update before exporting.
### Changes
- Room functionality has been removed.
- It will be restored as a separate repository at a later date.
- Reversi function has been removed.
- It will be restored as a separate repository at a later date.
- Chat UI has been removed.
- The number of files that can be attached to a note has been increased to 16.
- SVG custom emoji are now converted to PNGs for display
### Improvments
- Custom emoji batch editing function
- Batch import of custom emoji
- Posting form now allows temporary switching of posting accounts
- Unifying Misskey-specific IRIs in JSON-LD `@context`.
- Improved client performance
- Security Improvements
### Bugfixes
- Fixed handling of upload errors
## 12.101.1
Released at: 2021/12/29
### Bugfixes
- Fixed SVG emoji not displaying
- Fixed a case where the extension of exported emoji is false.
## 12.101.0
Released at: 2021/12/29
### Improvements
- Client: Improved accuracy of note previews
- Client: Improvement of MFM sparkle effect
- Client: Design adjustments
- Security Improvements
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed some components being hidden behind the scenes
- Fix html blockquote conversion
## 12.100.2
Released at: 2021/12/18
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed issue where Deck column increases/decreases were not properly reflected until page was reloaded.
- Client: Fixed some components being hidden behind the scenes
- Client: Fixed heavy load on custom emoji list page
## 12.100.1
Released at: 2021/12/17
### Bugfixes
- Client: Design coordination
- Client: Improved display of various menus and reaction picker on mobile
## 12.100.0
Released at: 2021/12/17
### Improvements
- Client: Improved display of various menus and reaction picker on mobile
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed some components hiding in the background
## 12.99.3
Released at: 2021/12/14
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed problem with autocomplete being hidden behind dialogs
## 12.99.2
Released at: 2021/12/14
## 12.99.1
Released at: 2021/12/14
## 12.99.0
Released at: 2021/12/14
### Improvements
- Added a user-level instance mute in user settings
- Added option to not include muted users in follow export
- Added option to not include unused accounts in follow export
- Custom emoji export function
- Chart performance improvements
- Allowed to exit from a group
### Bugfixes
- Client: Fixed a problem that prevented some functions from working when using a display with touch functionality and mouse operation.
- Client: Fixed an issue where clip settings could not be edited.
- Client: Fixed a problem with menus etc. being hidden behind windows
## 12.98.0
Released at: 12/03/2021
### Improvements
- API: /antennas/notes API now allows filtering by date
- Client: Confirmation dialog box when voting on a survey
- Client: Renote note detail page to the original note page.
- Client: Image popups can be closed by clicking on them.
- Client: Design adjustments
- Ability to remove followers
### Bugfixes
- Client: fixed the issue of tabs being displayed on the UI even when LTL and GTL are disabled
- Client: Fixed problem with incorrect error message for incorrect password in login
- Client: Corrected the order of users in the Reaction tooltip and Renote tooltip.
- Client: Fixed problem with master volume of sound not being saved correctly.
- Client: Fixed an inoperability issue in some environments when notifications are displayed.
- Client: Fixed problem with tooltips when tapped on mobile
- Client: Fixed an issue where, when replying to a note in a remote instance, if the target note contained a mentions to a user in that remote instance, it was sometimes passed on as a mentions to the local user in the reply text.
- Client: Fixed a problem in the image viewer where only a portion of the top image is displayed when the entire image is displayed.
- API: Fixed an internal error when retrieving users depending on conditions
### Changes
- Client: Moderator badge no longer displayed in notes
## 12.97.0 (2021-11-19)
### Improvements
- client: auto-folding also applies to renotes
- client: improved display of long threads
- client: also apply MFM to translations, so that it retains the formatting (line breaks, etc.) of the original text.
- client: add a confirmation dialog before deleting an account
### Bugfixes
- client: fixed an issue where "All" in user search did not work
- client: fixed the style of the Reaction List and Renote List tooltips
Older releases are not translated yet. If you can, please edit this page to add them from the Japanese changelog on [GitHub](https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md).