Tweak quadlet files and change the image tag in `$HOME/.config/containers/systemd/trashposs-web.container` from `latest` to `dev` or `pre` if desired, and run `docs/examples/Podman\ \(quadlet\)/`.
Tweak quadlet files if needed, change content of `Image:` line in `$HOME/.config/containers/systemd/trashposs-web.container` to `Image: localhost/crimekillz/trashposs:latest`, and run `docs/examples/Podman\ \(quadlet\)/`.
Run `sudo loginctl enable-linger [user]` and TrashPoss will start automatically on boot. You don't need to, and in fact [cannot enable Podman-generated systemd services](
If you are running TrashPoss on a system with more than one CPU thread, you might want to set the `clusterLimit` config option to about half of your thread count, depending on your system configuration. Please note that each worker requires around 10 PostgreSQL connections, so be sure to set `max_connections` appropriately. To do this, change `max_connections=n` line in `db/postgresql.conf`, with `n` being `(10 * no_workers) + 10`, and run `systemctl --user restart trashposs-db trashposs-web`.