version: "3" services: web: image: ### If you want to build the image locally # build: . ### If you want to build the image locally AND use Docker 20.10 # build: # context: . # args: # DOCKER_BUILDKIT: 1 container_name: trashposs_web restart: unless-stopped depends_on: - db - redis ports: - "3000:3000" networks: - trashnet environment: NODE_ENV: production volumes: - ./files:/trashposs/files - ./.config:/trashposs/.config:ro # Uncomment this to use a DNS server on the host machine or specify a custom one # ( is the IP of the default network bridge) # dns: # - redis: restart: unless-stopped image: container_name: trashposs_redis networks: - trashnet volumes: - ./redis:/data db: restart: unless-stopped image: container_name: trashposs_db networks: - trashnet env_file: - .config/docker.env volumes: - ./db:/var/lib/postgresql/data # Watchtower keeps your container images for TrashPoss and Dependencies up to date # In order to make proper use of this feature, target trashposs:dev or trashposs:release as a version... # Uncomment this block if you use a fixed version or do not want auto updates watchtower: image: containrrr/watchtower volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /root/.docker/config.json:/config.json command: --interval 3600 trashposs_web trashposs_redis trashposs_db ## Uncomment to enable federation with tor instances. You also need to add the following variables to .config/docker.env ## ALLOW_ACCESS_TO_HIDDEN_SERVICE=true ## You also need to set the following params in .config/default.yml ## proxy: # tor: # image: sirboops/tor # networks: # - trashnet # # privoxy: # image: sirboops/privoxy # volumes: # - ./.config/priv-config:/opt/config # networks: # - trashnet networks: trashnet: