Since the bleed-flags set by the anchor tags logics have been changed to Site and SiteAdjacent, give them a bit of more importance when set together with ExternalLink.
UrlDomain and UrlPath are also only more consistently only rewarded once.
There was as bug where if the input of ResultValuator.normalize() was negative, it was truncated to zero. This meant that "bad" results always rank the same. The penalty factor "overallPart" was moved outside of the function and was re-weighted to accomplish a better normalization.
Some of the weights were also re-adjusted based on what appears to produce better results. Needs evaluation.
* Added new (optional) model file in $WMSA_HOME/data/atags.parquet
* Converter gets a component for creating a projection of its domains onto the full atags parquet file
* New WordFlag ExternalLink
* These terms are also for now flagged as title words
* Fixed a bug where Title words aliased with UrlDomain words
* Fixed a bug in the encyclopedia sideloader that gave everything too high topology ranking